Dr. Thomas Manton IV

Prophecy for Kenya through Dr. Thomas Manton

Prophecy for Kenya through Dr. Thomas Manton

“A lot of healing will take place in future days, & God will raise up different people within the communities who will allow God’s love and presence to take a new precedence, and Kenya will progress ahead greatly into the next season now, with people being more able to accept and love one another, more and more, as the days go further ahead now. This will be a phenomenal miracle in action and in motion. God will raise up many new vessels and voices now in the various ”communities”, and they will flow by the Holy Spirit, in the ‘name of progress, and God will create and affect much change, and the “New Kenya” will truly emerge, with much more love and comradery and acceptance and love and celebration, between all, and between each other. It will be truly amazing to see; but pls. know that God is going to do this for His people in Kenya in the coming days! A new breed of leaders and leadership will now emerge, with people in the movements that will be very passionate about progress, healing and change; for a new and better Kenya for tomorrow. Again, this will be a real miracle, but many people already want to get past the past, and move forward and ahead very powerfully and forcefully, so everyone can be blessed and be made prosperous and successful! Strife’s and hatreds are the devil’s evil-seeds and breeding grounds for destruction, and even for every evil work, as the Scripture says, so it is surely high-time for people to just grow to higher levels of maturity now, and grow up past all the messes of yesterday’s with renewed hope for great tomorrow’s for everyone now! We look forward to a dialogue more on all this, and other things, as the precious Holy Spirit leads and directs. Kenya’s societal, infrastructural and economic developments and advancements are really here and they are really happening now. I feel genuinely excited about all this. God is developing and raising up a great Kenya, a new Kenya, for which He always intended for it to be, and everyone here is going to be blessed, as we get more and more acquainted with the Lord, our great and brilliant Creator and Boss! (See Job 22:21-28) *Amen!”

A Testimony from Kenya

A Testimony from Kenya

“God’s Prophet, Dr.Thomas Manton IV, has Ministered to us in Kenya prophetically, regarding upcoming events that no one knew would develop & others that no one could have known the outcomes of in advance, once they unfolded. God led him to first speak very boldly & precisely over our Nation in the June 2000, that God would change our Government regime of the time; & raise up a new one.

The Lord wanted new progress that HE wanted to bring about into reality in Kenya! Then, in Dec.2002, he spoke again, before’ GOD was just about to do just that! He prophesied on Dec.13, 2002, that Mr. Mwai Kibaki would be elected to be Kenya’s President for the next five years. On Dec.27, 2002, that came to pass, and became a reality. GOD said Mr. Kibaki would be like a “Joseph” administrator for Kenya’s development, and that has truly been the case, in so many ways. Kenya has skyrocketed in advancement since 2002. All have seen this happen. All have been blessed in one way or another because it has! Then, again in Dec.2007, before the next Presidential Election, GOD spoke to us through His Prophet, Dr. Thomas Manton IV again, declaring specifically that it was His Will that Hon. Mwai Kibaki be re-elected to another five-year term, and seemingly against some ‘odds, he was! Now on March 4th, 2013, what GOD spoke through Dr.Thomas Manton IV has sure as Heaven’s fire happened again! Uhuru Kenyatta was elected as Kenya’s next and fourth President! This is as good as it gets! Visit www.ThomasManton.com to read his many magnanimously-detailed Prophecies to Kenya, & several other Nations. Learn more about this God-fearing man. Long live Dr. Thomas Manton IV…

May GOD now bless you so much more richly for helping millions of us here in Kenya! Lord, we give You glory, honor and praise for all You’re Doing! Thank You!” *More are Coming…Stay Tuned…”

Prophecy to Madagascar

Prophecy to Madagascar


Thomas Manton IV

*Thomas Manton IV* is respected worldwide as one of God’s most dynamic ‘Prophetic Voices’ to the Nations, and to the 21st Century Church. People across Five continents throughout North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia are experiencing God’s Word, Presence, and Power through his Miracle Crusades, Conferences and Television Ministry. God has used him to speak prophetically into the destiny of multiplied thousands of individuals and directly concerning many nations, world leaders and world events. His ministry has received hundreds of testimonies of spiritual breakthrough, healings and financial increase from many people who have been touched by this anointing all around the world! Visit www.ThomasManton.com regularly! The Glory of God will cover the Earth! *Jesus Christ is Lord of Every Nation!

Prophecy to Madagascar!

Behold I show you an open vision, says the Lord, of a man sitting upon a throne but suddenly falling forward and down to the floor. And so in this way, I will unseat the ruler of darkness who sits upon an authority structure that was only man-made.

For will you not remember, says God, that I Am the Supreme Ruler of the Earth and I will have the last say? O you of little faith, please remember that the Earth is Mine, and the fullness thereof, and the world and all they that dwell therein!

Surely I will now rise up as a travailing woman over the security of her children. You will see Me uproot and topple seats of darkness. Once I touch the prince of darkness with the tip of My finger, great shackles that have been on your land will be broken and removed! Witchcraft and traditional practices will begin to be seen for what they are. The people will surely see them as from the source they are really from.

I will begin to have My people speak and judge the wickedness in your land, O Madagascar! The powers of darkness will be neutralized in the coming days by My Church! In the same hour that their powers are bound and will no longer work, I will have some of My servants and representatives in your nation show your people that through Jesus Christ the victory has truly been won!

A revival of “fresh living water” shall run throughout your land in the days to come. Many new churches will be born into existence. And multiplied thousands of souls will be swept into My Kingdom in the midst of this new Visitation of My Presence and Power in Madagascar, says the Spirit of the True and Living God!

International Copyright • 2004. Thomas Manton IV • Dominion International. All Rights Reserved by Law. This Prophecy may be reprinted (In Its Entirety) with full display of the Author’s Contact Information only. Please also send us Original copies of any publication(s) or Links by E-Mail that this or any other of Thomas Manton IV’s Prophecies are reprinted in or distributed through. You may also Print or Forward this Prophecy for Distribution to Individuals and/or Organizations for their Spiritual Enrichment and Edification. Thank you.


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