In Thomas Manton IV’s conferences and crusades across several nations, multitudes have watched the Holy Spirit perform awesome creative miracles of healing including the opening of blind eyes and deaf ears, cripples walking again, cancer and tumors disappearing, HIV/aids removed, broken backs re-created, etc…to Almighty God belongs all the glory for these miracles!
They built and prospered by the prophesying of the Prophets (see Ezra 6:14)
God sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction (see Psalm 107:20)
We must report to you, Prophet Thomas, that when you spoke our prophetic “rhema words” to us and decreed over us Deuteronomy 1:11, we were expecting money for our business. We felt strongly led by the Lord to make a £ 1000-pound seed commitment to your worldwide ministry. We didn’t know how we would pay it, but seven days later a four-figure sum of money was miraculously entered into our account! We made sure we paid the full 1000-pound seed right away! Our business is now progressing speedily with the favor of God working many deals and contacts for us!
In your next meeting on Saturday at the Emmanuel Centre in London, God gave you a word of knowledge about my wife’s sister possibly being involved in some type of accident or something like that. You prophetically declared that assignment from the devil was broken! Then, just twenty-four hours later, she was involved in a near–death car accident where she and the others in the car nearly went off a cliff! They surely all would have been killed or severely injured, but God Almighty had already spoken, and He sent His Angels to save and rescue them! No one was even hurt! Praise God for his saving grace!
E & E ~ London, England
I am the musician who played in the ministers’ conference at Germany which you ministered. I appreciate God for such a wonderful gift He has given you. I marveled at such revelations and words of knowledge you gave at the conference in Germany . I know at least two people among those you gave words of knowledge to which were so relevant to their needs. I thank God for you! E.E. Bochum , Germany
Thomas kept mentioning a back disc dislocation. He saw God fixing it. He said ‘I don’t know whether you are here or not, but the Lord is fixing your back.’ The following day in the meeting I came up to testify that my back was totally healed while I was driving around the area trying to find the church. My infant son was also instantly healed from an eye infection when he prayed for him. The next day it was totally cleared up! Glory to God! M.O. ~ London
Thomas, I saw you on TV. When you prayed, the Lord healed my left shoulder of pain. I am now able to lift my left arm with no trouble! Thank you Jesus for healing me! I give you all the glory! J.B. ~ Ireland
I was greatly encouraged when you prayed at the end of your TV program. The presence of the Lord was great! Your ministry to me put hope and courage back into my heart. Thank you. B.S. ~ Hawick, Scotland
On Sunday evening at your London Prophetic Explosion, you prayed for me and spoke with accuracy over my life. You said I will be meeting 17 key pastors. Well, I am traveling to the USA for a big conference in July. You prophesied that God will get me an extra vehicle. I’ve been looking for a van to help with the young people. Then, you spoke blessings over me. On Thursday I went to the Doctor for a high blood pressure check. I’d been going monthly for a year, and it’s been high. I told the Lord I did not want to go on tablets and kept standing in faith for my healing. Well, on Thursday it was normal! I now only have to go for an occasional check-up! Praise God! On Thursday (the same day) I received a letter from the police canceling any prosecution for speeding which has been pending for 5 months. This was a real testimony to my youngest son who is not yet a Christian. Also this week, I have received extra bookings for my business, and a cheque from an unexpected source! Thank you for your love, Lord! Thomas, keep speaking the words God is giving you! T.L. ~Wales
Update: I’ve just returned from the U.S. and I have to report that I met those 17 Pastors. To God be the praise for your ministry! T.L. ~Wales
Thomas, I was watching you on Revelation TV and you touched my heart. I am only 12 years old, but I could feel the power of God coming through you. You are a blessing to all nations! Keep up the good work! I can’t wait to see you on TV again. I will come to your London Crusade! S.L. ~ London
One Sunday morning as I was coming back from work I felt a terrible pain in my stomach. I tried to ignore it for some time but it got worse. I got prepared for church. Before I knew it, the pain hit me so hard that I started crying. But when I thought of going to church, I thought well even if I stay home this pain may just get worse. It would be better to go to church instead. Just when I was thinking about that, one member of our church called to tell me to get my video camera when going to church because it was going to be a special Sunday since we were receiving a visiting Prophet. To my surprise, I got so excited and I thought well, maybe that’s where I will get my healing anyway. My church service starts at 2 pm but I left home around 1:30 pm because the pain was so unbearable. To tell you the truth, I had an operation a year ago when I felt the same kind of pain and the doctors told me that my appendix wasn’t looking good but they didn’t remove it. My left side ovary is abnormally large and if it continues to grow it may burst one day and cause more harm so I need to go for another surgery. When I got to church, the pain got worse.
Pastor Thomas Manton IV walked in, and the moment he walked to the pulpit, he started praying. I rushed to the front with the camcorder in my hands not forgetting the burden of pain that clinged onto me. Pastor Thomas started praying and the camera was focusing on him. Whilst praying the Lord spoke to him about a lady who had so much pain in her stomach and that the Lord’s Hand was touching her, and healing her right at that moment. I immediately felt a total relief inside me! THAT EXCRUCIATING PAIN WAS GONE COMPLETELY! Since that day, that pain has never come back! It’s been almost 3 months now and I’m back at my old job. No matter how strenuous my work gets, the pain doesn’t come back. I’m not going back to the hospital for even a check-up because I now know I am completely healed in the Name of Jesus! This healing miracle through Pastor Manton has also built much more faith in my fiancée Justus. I thank God for meeting Pastor Manton on that crucial day when all I had in me and surrounding me was nothing but pain. Believe what I’ve written here and you shall be well also! O.K.~ London, England
(H. W.) I just have to stand and say, thank you Lord for the gracious miracle that you performed for me. I can stand as a witness today, just like it was yesterday when I was standing in the steel factory where I worked and was pinned between the steel and steel factory machine. The steel had me so bent up that they had to bend me out by hand and all they could do was think the worst. I went to numerous doctors, neurosurgeons, neurology, and even psychiatric treatment for the harm caused by the injury; cartilage damage, contusions to the buttocks – everything you could imagine – from the back down to the groin area.
And I’d just like to say that the Lord – He did it again. Thanks to your servant, Evangelist Thomas Manton. He came to do a crusade at our church. You poured out your Spirit through him and he touched me and I’ve never been the same. I’ve been able to run. I’ve been able to run! I’ve been able to play with my kids again. I believe it’s been about a year and 6 months from today that I’ve been in constant pain, day and night. I’d just like to stand and give glory to God that He is a miracle-working God. And that if you’re real with God, and if you stand for God, and just believe – if you have the faith of a mustard seed – if you just believe that God will do it, he can.
(Thomas Manton) Tell us the date of what happened.
(H. W.) It was like I said. The accident happened in July of 1997. And I was sent to numerous doctors in town, and nothing could be done. I went to a neurosurgeon. I went through the machine where they take and mark your x-rays and no one could find the problem.
(Thomas Manton) You were in pain?
(H. W.) Yes, excruciating pain. I couldn’t even sleep at night. My wife would just watch the nights go by. My body pretty much just jumped in my sleep – I couldn’t even get a comfortable sleep. I had serious nerve damage – I walked with a limp for many months…
(Thomas Manton) That was in July of 1997. And you came to the service in January of 2001? In fact, you are the pastor’s son. And you were even playing the organ. None of us knew you were in constant pain. But God did.
(H. W.) That’s right. In your crusade at our church in January of 2001, I was healed, delivered and set free. My body had been in constant pain– for more than two years. I was on disability – I was out of work – I could no longer perform the duties that I once did. I was disabled for about 3 years.
(Thomas Manton) And now the Lord came and healed you, and you have no pain?
(H. W.) No pain since. I’d like to also say that on that night I wasn’t the only one. Two other people were in the service who had back injuries and God healed them also. I have talked with them and they have had no problems since. So, like I say, God is an awesome God.
(Thomas Manton) Thank you. (Thomas Manton) Jesus, I give you all the praise for this great miracle!
A Supernatural Visitation from Heaven has touched down in North Carolina! When Thomas Manton IV scheduled a three-day crusade there, something awesome and miraculous happened. Pastors, Leaders, and saints came from everywhere to experience God’s Word, Presence, and Power!
This crusade was then extended ten straight nights and ended up continuing for three and a half weeks in the Holy Ghost! In just the first week, the Lord sovereignly gathered and touched over forty local Pastors and Churches from the surrounding areas. This fire and visitation is now falling in several surrounding cities in the region. To Almighty God be the glory for all He is doing!
Our audio tape series Special Collections of Cutting-Edge Prophetic Messages from the Throne of God! Order these Timely Messages to the 21st Century Church Today! Expect God to do the same Miracles for you as He did for scores of others in Thomas Manton IV’s Glory-filled meetings around the World! Receive His Word and His Touch . . . Your life will never be the same again!