Dr. Thomas Manton IV

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Prophet Dr. Thomas Manton IV from the United States

Prophet Dr. Thomas Manton IV from the United States is one of God's most dynamic prophetic voices in the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the 21st-century church today. Through his ministry, the Holy Spirit has lit fires of revival and reformation across many cities of the...

Prophecy to Papua, New Guinea!

Papua, New Guinea is one nation that I am targeting now, says the Lord! It’s a nation of violence, and of bloodshed, and many things that are ungodly. But the Lord says truly, that I am raising up a remnant of My people in the midst of that nation in this day and hour like never before!

Prophecy to Louisiana!

Economic shifts are coming in the State of Louisiana, says the Lord! Changes in your economy are coming forth in the days ahead! For I am going to pour out My fire in the government arena in this State. From north to south,

Prophecy to Israel

New declarations from the antichrist forces are coming! Militant uprisings will take place from within! They will even question and challenge the ‘powers that be’ on many issues

Prophecy to Egypt, the Mediterranean Nations, Tunisia, and the ‘Church-at-Large

By Thomas Manton IV Prophecy ‘Live from London’ At the Henry VIII Hotel Friday, December 12th, 2003 Prophecy to Egypt: “Lord, I thank you for what you are doing in Egypt right now. In that nation now, there is going to begin an eruption of violence in the next many...

Fulfilled Prophecies concerning World Leaders & World Events – Through Thomas Manton IV

The Holy Spirit has used Thomas Manton IV in a very unique and distinct way to prophesy about many startling world events involving many nations of the world!

Prophecy to Kenya – January 4th 2004 –

Father God, I hear You saying that You are going to cause a new outpouring and a new wind and a new shift and a new swing to take place in Kenya, even economically. There is going to be favour where You are going to show favour.

Where is Jesus?

‘Where is Jesus? *Let’s see…You arrive at the crusades and prayer meetings desiring breakthroughs…The Holy Spirit gloriously visits you!

Lord, You are First!

Lord, You are First, For You I do thirst!, In Your Spirit, dear Jesus, Let me stay immersed! I don’t ever want to be cursed…..

Help me do your will, O God!

I choose this day to do your will, O God. I want to know you as Lord and King.

New Year’s Eve Visitation – Prophetic Words For 2002

Hello, My Precious Friend…Get ready to hear from the Throne of God! (The following message is the transcription of the prophecy given through Prophet Thomas Manton IV on 12/31/2001 in his New Year’s Eve Service in North Carolina) Prophetic Prayer for 2002: Lord, in...

Prophecy for Kenya through Dr. Thomas Manton

“A lot of healing will take place in future days, & God will raise up different people within the communities who will allow God’s love and presence to take a new precedence…

A Testimony from Kenya

“God’s Prophet, Dr.Thomas Manton IV, has Ministered to us in Kenya prophetically, regarding upcoming events that no one knew would develop & others that no one could have known the outcomes of in advance, once they unfolded…

The Power of Productive Partnership!

 Success is found in actually attaining exactly what you want. That is, if in fact, what you want is actually good.

Prophecy to Madagascar

Behold I show you an open vision, says the Lord, of a man sitting upon a throne but suddenly falling forward and down to the floor. And so in this way, I will unseat the ruler of darkness who sits upon an authority structure that was only man-made….

Prophecy to Kuwait

There will be a change of ambassadors, and the new ones will set into motion great diplomatic advantages for international travel both in-to and out-from the nation of Kuwait…

“Prophetic-Updates on Crushing Corona, & More!”

"Prophetic-Updates on Crushing Corona, Your Success, Your Wealth, Your Personal, & International & Global Revival, & More!" (Dr. TM4) https://www.facebook.com/ThomasManton/videos/10220265123232487/

“Dr Mike Murdock talking about Dr. Thomas Manton IV”


“Speak It Into Existence!”


“31 Power-Points on ‘DIRECTION’!”


“Living A Victorious & Unstuck Life!”

By Dr. Thomas Manton IV - Volume 1 https://youtu.be/hdLaeMVbVhw

“Our Quest Series”

https://www.facebook.com/ThomasManton/videos/10217277208136477/ Volume 1: "Our Quest For A Stress-Free Life!" https://www.facebook.com/ThomasManton/videos/10217159181785892/ Volume 2: "Our Quest For Happiness!"...

Reverse The Curse, By Being A Blessing!

Words for the Church Dr. Thomas Manton IV on mission in East Africawith Special GuestsEvangelist Sherry (USA)&Bishop Bernard (Kenya) https://www.facebook.com/ThomasManton/videos/10215359624998097/

The Spirit Of Achievement

Volume 1 https://www.facebook.com/ThomasManton/videos/10217360414536585/ Volume 2 10 Vital Formula's For Your Success https://www.facebook.com/ThomasManton/videos/10217387940144708/

“Intimacy With God! Your Utmost Priority!”

Volume 1 https://www.facebook.com/ThomasManton/videos/10218093401260795/ Volume 2 https://www.facebook.com/ThomasManton/videos/10218102202320816/

New Prophecy To BRAZIL!

A PALAVRA DO SENHOR QUE VEIO A MIM, FALANDO A NACAO DO Friday, March 1st, 2019 @ 3 pmSpoken through Prophet Dr. Thomas Manton IVThe Word of the Lord comes unto me, saying to the Nation of Brazil… "Brazil is a blessed nation, says the Lord! And I have surely made...


"Your Freedom Will Catapult Your Life Into Great Success & Abundance!" Volume 1 https://www.facebook.com/ThomasManton/videos/10217822527649124/ Volume 1 "Your Freedom Will Catapult Your Life Into Great Success & Abundance!" Volume 2...

“Prophetic-Affirmations For Your Success!”

40 Prophetic-Affirmations For Your Success! https://www.facebook.com/ThomasManton/videos/10217737797330919/ Volume 1 Deliverance! https://www.facebook.com/ThomasManton/videos/10217744753344815/ Volume 2 Warfare, Victory & Breakthrough! - Part 1...

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