Dr. Thomas Manton IV

Where is Jesus?

Where is Jesus?

Prophetic Poetry By Thomas Manton IV

‘Where is Jesus? *Let’s see…
You arrive at the crusades and prayer meetings desiring breakthroughs…
The Holy Spirit gloriously visits you!
He prophesies about big connections and big blessings.
Instantly these miraculously come to pass for you!
You suddenly make new ‘Great Connections’ you say…
And receive a great Spiritual breakthrough…
Then you get a New Job ~ the Best Paying one ever, you say…
Hmmm…Let’s see…Where is Jesus?

Then, Jezebel comes around and yells out foolishly ‘Where’s Jesus?’
Hmmm… Let’s see…Where is Jesus?
Apparently He is really moving here by His Sovereign and Almighty Power!
And what about Jezebel? How’s she doing? She seems so frustrated!
If she cries out ‘Where’s Jesus?’ She obviously does not even know the answer to her own question…
Hmmm… “Where is Jesus?
Constant and Abundant Miracles are happening here by the Hand of God! Jesus is right here!
Wake up, my friend!

In the Lord’s Love,
Your True Brothers and Sisters!

Lord, You are First!

Lord, You are First!

Prophetic Poetry By Thomas Manton IV

Lord, You are First!
For You I do thirst!
In Your Spirit, dear Jesus,
Let me stay immersed!
I don’t ever want to be cursed.

I am blessed, because You are the best
so all the rest belongs to me, you see
And the jewels you left behind,
are there for me to find.

Discovery of who I am in You
makes me love You –
more I do!
It is You I adore,
Your voice I won’t ignore.
I can’t wait to see what You have in store.
O Lord, Your blessings I do implore.
My life, Master, restore!!!
And add Your blessings to me more and more!
It’s You I adore!

Lord, how I love you so
You have really helped me grow
When Your Spirit flows through me
I can’t help but see…
The riches of Your kingdom
The inheritance that’s there for me



Help me do your will, O God!

Help me do your will, O God!

Prophetic Poetry By Thomas Manton IV

I choose this day to do your will, O God.
I want to know you as Lord and King.
The plans you have for me are big.
I have a great destiny. I must fulfill your commission.
Thank you, Lord, for your provision so I can accomplish your mission.
Move through me, Holy Spirit, in miracles, signs and wonders.
Let me usher in your Glory and advance your Kingdom by your mighty power.
It’s a crucial day and hour!
I’ll proclaim the Good News of the King;
A new song unto you I will sing!
Across the earth, O Lord, let your praises ring!
In you I live and move and have my being.

International Copyright 2004. Thomas Manton IV ~ Dominion International.
All rights reserved.

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