Dr. Thomas Manton IV

Prophecy to Kenya –  January 4th 2004 –

Prophecy to Kenya – January 4th 2004 –

By Thomas Manton IV


Thomas Manton IV

Thomas Manton IV

*It’s just after midnight, Sunday morning, January 4, 2004, here in my hotel suite in downtown Nairobi. The Lord will have me speak some of this forth at Uhuru Park today. Here is a fresh Prophetic Word from the Lord to the Church, and to the Nation of Kenya!

Father God, I hear You saying that You are going to cause a new outpouring and a new wind and a new shift and a new swing to take place in Kenya, even economically. There is going to be favour where You are going to show favour. And there is going to be dishonour and shame where you are going to show dishonour and shame. For you raise up some and take down others.

Now is the season and the time when I am going to begin to move in My people in greater measures than has ever been seen in many generations, says the Lord! For surely as you cross over now into this new year of 2004, I am going to release more! There will be a new ‘outpour.’ I am going to bring new things to the fore-front now. For surely I will now move in the lives of those who are ‘lagging behind’ concerning issues that I want them to excel in; even in My house, even in My church, and amongst My leaders, and amongst My people, says the Lord. New flames of fire will be released upon them all in this new season!

I will anoint men and women with ‘torches’ of My fire and glory, even as I said in Isaiah 60: 1; “Arise and shine, for thy light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon thee! And now in this generation as never before, says the Lord, My light and My glory shall be seen upon thee, says the Lord thy God!

A new ‘dividing-line’ will be ‘drawn’ in this land. I will mark a strong ‘distinction’ between those who are serving Me, and those who are serving themselves.

Those who are not founded upon the ‘rock’ of Jesus Christ will begin to be plundered! They will be shaken, and they will be ‘shamed and dishonored’ like never before. But the Lord will cause great favour to come upon His sons and His daughters in new and great and mighty ways!


Prophecy for Kenya through Dr. Thomas Manton

Prophecy for Kenya through Dr. Thomas Manton

“A lot of healing will take place in future days, & God will raise up different people within the communities who will allow God’s love and presence to take a new precedence, and Kenya will progress ahead greatly into the next season now, with people being more able to accept and love one another, more and more, as the days go further ahead now. This will be a phenomenal miracle in action and in motion. God will raise up many new vessels and voices now in the various ”communities”, and they will flow by the Holy Spirit, in the ‘name of progress, and God will create and affect much change, and the “New Kenya” will truly emerge, with much more love and comradery and acceptance and love and celebration, between all, and between each other. It will be truly amazing to see; but pls. know that God is going to do this for His people in Kenya in the coming days! A new breed of leaders and leadership will now emerge, with people in the movements that will be very passionate about progress, healing and change; for a new and better Kenya for tomorrow. Again, this will be a real miracle, but many people already want to get past the past, and move forward and ahead very powerfully and forcefully, so everyone can be blessed and be made prosperous and successful! Strife’s and hatreds are the devil’s evil-seeds and breeding grounds for destruction, and even for every evil work, as the Scripture says, so it is surely high-time for people to just grow to higher levels of maturity now, and grow up past all the messes of yesterday’s with renewed hope for great tomorrow’s for everyone now! We look forward to a dialogue more on all this, and other things, as the precious Holy Spirit leads and directs. Kenya’s societal, infrastructural and economic developments and advancements are really here and they are really happening now. I feel genuinely excited about all this. God is developing and raising up a great Kenya, a new Kenya, for which He always intended for it to be, and everyone here is going to be blessed, as we get more and more acquainted with the Lord, our great and brilliant Creator and Boss! (See Job 22:21-28) *Amen!”

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