Lord, You are First!
Prophetic Poetry By Thomas Manton IV
Lord, You are First!
For You I do thirst!
In Your Spirit, dear Jesus,
Let me stay immersed!
I don’t ever want to be cursed.
I am blessed, because You are the best
so all the rest belongs to me, you see
And the jewels you left behind,
are there for me to find.
Discovery of who I am in You
makes me love You –
more I do!
It is You I adore,
Your voice I won’t ignore.
I can’t wait to see what You have in store.
O Lord, Your blessings I do implore.
My life, Master, restore!!!
And add Your blessings to me more and more!
It’s You I adore!
Lord, how I love you so
You have really helped me grow
When Your Spirit flows through me
I can’t help but see…
The riches of Your kingdom
The inheritance that’s there for me