Prophecy to Kuwait

Dr. Thomas Manton IV

Prophecy to KUWAIT!
There will be new Law changes and the Lifting of restrictions for Christianity and the Gospel in Kuwait in the coming season, says the Lord!
There will be a change of ambassadors, and the new ones will set into motion great diplomatic advantages for international travel both in-to and out-from the nation of Kuwait.
There will finally be an expression of gratitude released toward the United States for their help in rescuing their nation out from the evil grip of Saddam Hussein and his wicked regime. The Gospel of Jesus Christ will go forth in Kuwait in many new ways. Several missionary apostles and evangelists will set up new works there. The increase of ‘My’ government shall break through in Kuwait now greater than ever before!
Get ready for your greatest hour of Visitation to date, O Kuwait, says the Spirit of the Lord!
His for the Miraculous…& Yours for the Breakthrough!
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Thomas Manton IV
*Thomas Manton IV* is respected worldwide as one of God’s most dynamic ‘Prophetic Voices’ to the Nations, and to the 21st Century Church. People across Five continents throughout North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia are experiencing God’s Word, Presence, and Power through his Miracle Crusades, Conferences and Television Ministry. God has used him to speak prophetically into the destiny of multiplied thousands of individuals and directly concerning many nations, world leaders and world events. His ministry has received hundreds of testimonies of spiritual breakthrough, healings and financial increase from many people who have been touched by this anointing all around the world! Visit www.ThomasManton.com regularly! The Glory of God will cover the Earth! *Jesus Christ is Lord of Every Nation!
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