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Dr. Thomas Manton IV






Our Vision

Our vision is to reach the unreached; and tell the untold the precious and powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ in our communities, inner cities, states, nations and the world. We are a church of love, acceptance and forgiveness for people of all denominations, races and nationalities.  Read More

Our Mission

Dr. Thomas Manton IV, along with the partners, members & congregations of Dominion International & our Dominion Revival Centre Churches, has a dream that is born of the Holy Spirit; and a story of obedience to Jesus Christ’s command to preach the Gospel and make disciples around the World.  Read More



Dr. Thomas Manton IV has been touching the world with GOD’s word for decades. At a young age, he left the luxury of the first world, to serve those in need in Kenya and around the world, reaching over 30 countries. Here is a compilation of photographs during his crusade to answer the call of the Lord, to preach and prophesy all around the world. Read More


“Prophet Thomas Manton, God is using you to change people’s lives. Can you remember when I inbox’d you asking you to pray for me; so that God would save me from financial-constraints. You replied, giving me several Scriptures. You recommended that I read these several special verses on Financial Breakthrough & Blessings. Read More

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