Your ‘Diamond-Keys’ To Success & Prosperity!) -By-Dr. Thomas Manton IV
For the complete list of 66 “Diamond Keys” purchase Dr. Thomas Manton’s book, “The Laws of Success”, also available on DVD.
1. *Arch-Enemies: Your Greatest Enemies Are Poverty,
Sickness And Ignorance! The Lord Is The One who Wants To Help Make Everyone
Rich, But Ignorance And Indifference Toward This Truth Can Actually push
Divine-Success Away From You! Continuously Doing Wrong Or Inept Things, And
Breaking God’s Laws, While Failing To Understand How Much God Really Wants To
Bless Us, Will Lead One Further Into The Bondages Of Poverty. But Poverty Is
Never The Intended Plan Of God For Anyone That Is Smart, And Desires To Be
Obedient To Him. God Wants You To Get Rich, Healthy And Brilliant, Always!
Never Forget About His Love, And Always Remember That He Wants You Blessed,
Most Favoured, Healthy, Wealthy And Happy!
2. *Speed: Speed Is Power! Anything That Keeps You Down, Or
Slows You Down, Is Usually Of The Devil! The Situations And Things And People
That Move Fast Will Help You Achieve The Necessaries Much Quicker, And Make You
Soar, While Doing And Achieving More!
3. *Environments & Ideas: Poor-Environments – Naturally,
Spiritually And Socially – Will Cause Even‘ Good People’ To Miss God’s
Blessings, As They Continue Wallowing Around In Poverty And Lack. Rich
Environments Will Obviously Help Us Produce The Opposite Of That, And It Is
God’s Will That We Accelerate Upward In All Things And Get A Lot Done For Him!
Also Know That Great-Ideas Will Help Produce And Generate Great Wealth, If
They Are Facilitated And Implemented Wisely And Correctly. And Productively
Conducive Environments And Atmospheres Are Necessary To Accelerate Forward In
Favourable-Momentum. Kings And Queens Need Palaces To Operate And Rule
From, Right? So Then, We Too, The Royal Kings And Priests And Ambassadors Of
God Must Also Rule And Reign And Operate From Our Affluent Positions, Yes, But
Also From High-Quality Environments And Atmospheres! Each Person Needs The Specific
Atmosphere And Environment That Triggers His Gift And Anointing. Let Me Also
Say This: If Any Individual Would Try To Say That They Are Humble And That They
Don’t Really Need Anything Big, Then That Is Their Own Problem! Perhaps They
Are Really Quite A Loser Anyway, Possessing No Desire, Ability Or Savvy To
Produce Anything Great. That Speaks For Itself. But High-Level And
Highly-Productive People Must Have The Proper High-Level Environments That Will
Both Energize And Facilitate Them For The Highest-Levels Of Productivity
Possible. Let Me Also Say Here: God Loves This; And He Has Made All Great
Things For Us To Possess And Enjoy Splendiferously! Amen!
4. Possessions: Let Me Make It Explicitly Clear Here Right
Now, By The Word Of The Lord, That God Wants Us To Possess Abundances Of
Possessions! And He Wants Us To Rule And Reign With Great Abundance Throughout
The Earth, For His Own Glory! (See Psalm 35:27) God Wants His People To Own And
Control Commodities And Resources And Industries From Every Sector Of Every
Kingdom That Is In This World! (See Daniel 7: 27, 28) The Problem Is, Almost No
One Has Taught And Thoroughly Explained This Truth To Us All From The Bible!
God Himself Visited His Prophet Daniel With This Revelation, So It Is
Absolutely His Will That We, The Saints Of God, Take Over As Many Things As
Possible In This World! Religious-Demons And Mentally-Limited And Deceived-Men
Have Infiltrated The Ranks Of Leadership In The Church. Thus, Too Many People
That God Loves Do Not Understand God’s Intention For Us To Possess And Manage
And Multiply Enormous Sums Of Wealth! And, Further Than That, He Wants Us To
Eventually Have It All, And Rule Over Everything By His Mighty Wisdom And
Brilliance! (See Revelation 15) He Wants His True-Saints To Possess Everything
He Has Made. This Was Always His Plan. And We See It All Throughout Scripture.
Abraham Was Made Very Rich By God. (See Genesis 13) Moses And His Big Flock
Took The Wealth Of The Nation As They Marched Out Of Egypt. David Gathered
Much Wealth Through His Spoils Of War. Solomon Then Carried On In That Legacy,
Even Receiving Large Gifts From A Queen, And Becoming Perhaps The Richest King
In History. Job Was Granted Double For His Trouble And Loss, Then Becoming
What Scholars Have Estimated To Be In The Billions Of Dollars, Equivalently.
Isaac Prospered Greatly By Sowing, And He Reaped Supernaturally, In The
Presence Of His Enemies. Jacob Became A Savvy Entrepreneur, After Being Ripped
Off. Joseph Was Elevated To The Office Of Prime Minister, And Given The
Authority To Manage All That Was In The Kingdom. Are You Getting This? This Is
Bible Doctrine! So Then, We Too, Are Supposed To, And Will, Inherit And Manage
And Multiply All Things! This Is The Will And The Plan Of God! It Is Up To
You Now To Receive It! God Has Been Waiting For Your Decision And Corresponding
Action! As He Had Had Me Prophesy, Great Wealth Transfers Are Coming To Us!
(Get My Audio CD Albums On This Subject. The “Wealth-Transfer” Series Will
Enlighten And Empower You With Knowledge, So You Too, Can Prosper Greatly!)
5. Identity: Your Divinely-Granted-Royal-Image And Likeness
Should Never Be Marred! (See Genesis 1:26) Never Allow Anyone To Cloud Your
Vision From Continuously Operating From Your True Identity, And The Vision God
Has Given You. Always Look Up To God For Your Help. He Is The Best In Giving
You All The Assistance You Will Ever Need. Do Not Look To People In The
World, Or To Lending Institutions, Or People That Would Just Love To Take
Advantage Of Any Naivety That Is Still Left Inside Of You. The World And Their
Systems Are All Too Often Evil, Or In A Mess. You Already Have The Right-Image
Inside Of You; And The Right Power-Source Available To Work For You, If
You Are Truly His.
6. Abundance: You Can Truly Reach A Point Of Not Even Having
Wants, Let Alone Needs; If You Will Just Walk With The Shepherd, And Follow Him
To Green Pastures! (See Psalm 23)
7. Presentation: Every King, And Even Jesus Christ, Himself,
Was Always Suave, Presentable And Classy. Jesus Rode On A Brand-New Ride – The
Donkey, On Which He Demanded The One That No Man Ever ‘Sat On ’ Likewise, You
Should Not Go For ‘Second-Hand’ Stuff, If At All Possible!) Jesus Wore A
Seamless (Expertly Designed And Crafted Designer) Garment Which Sinners Even
Ended Up Gambling For, Because Of The Extent Of Its ‘Quality ’ Who Would Gamble
For A ‘Condemned-Man’s Garment? No One, Really And Those Men There Did Not View
Jesus As A Valued-Celebrity At That Time In Fact, They Were Spitting At
Him And Mocking Him. So, It Had To Be The Sheer Luxury Of The Garment Itself
That Made Them Want It!
8. Position: Our God Is Always Up; And He Is Always On-Top!
And So, We Should Also Always Be Up, And On-Top, And Above Only, And Never
Beneath! (See Deuteronomy 28:1-13)
9. Learning: You Must Avoid The Plague That So Many Other
Humans Have, By Not Knowing And/Or Not Operating In Their “Royalty-Rights.”
Becoming Learned, By Applying Yourself To Learning Much More About What Is
Important To You, Every Single Day Is A Necessary And Vital Key To Your
10. Truth: Your Breakthrough And Subsequent-Prosperity Is
Directly Tied To Your Knowledge And Awareness Levels Of Truth. The More Truth
You Know And Walk In, The More Prosperity You Will Possess And Enjoy! (See John
8:32 & 3rd John. Verses 2,3,4)
11. God’s Methods: Whoever Cooperates And Works With God, In
His Ways Of Doing Things, Will Always Have Everything Working Better For Them!
That’s A Fact! And Even If You Are Still Facing Some Challenges, You Will Still
Always Be Better Off By Working With God! His Business-Partners Always Do
Well. Jesus Said: In This World, You’ll Have Some Trouble, But Be Of Good
Cheer, For I Have Overcome It All! And The Bible Also Declares That God Will
Deliver His Own Righteous Ones Out Of Every Form Of Trouble. And Scripture Also
Says That Though A Man Stumble Or Fall During His Journey, God Himself
Will Pick Him Up! God Always Wants You To Carry And Be Possessed With Severe
Joy, Peace, Passion, Aggressive Faith And Relentless Pursuit Of Him And What He
Has In Store For You! And What He Has Planned For You Is All Good! (See
Jeremiah 29:11)
12. The Word And The Spirit: The Word Of God Is God. John 1
Tells Us So. The Word Called Jesus Christ The Word Itself! This Is Truly Amazing,
Isn’t It? God Said Elsewhere In Scripture, Centuries Before, That He Exalts His
Word Over Even His Very Name. Now That Is Powerful! Then, We See That The
Holy Spirit, Also God Himself, In The Third Person, Is The Author Of The Word.
He Is The One Who Spoke, To And Through, His Prophets And Apostles To Author In
Writing, The Logos Word Of God. And God Gave Us His Word So We Would Benefit
And Prosper In All Things, While Avoiding The Pitfalls Of Sin, And The
Traps Of The Evil-One And His Friends. From And Know More On How To Do God’s
Will In The Earth Though Our Lives. Our Lord Jesus Told Us That He Wants To
Give Us Life And He Wants Us To Live In Abundance Of All Good Things. The
Holy Spirit Draws Us To Walk With Him In The Ways And Paths God Has Ordained
For Us. The Father Jehovah Watches It All And Rejoices Over It With Singing!
(See Zephaniah 3)Wow! The Best Things We Can Ever Possess Are God’s Own
Attributes. I Must Say That Strongly And Emphatically. Having God’s Own
Presence, Power, Word, And Authority Working In And Through You, Is Absolutely
The Greatest Treasure We Can Ever Have In This Life. Yes, God Gives Us
Riches, Power And Influence, But Let Us Always Remember, It All Came From Him!
Abraham Said: No Man Has Made Me Rich But Almighty God! Also See Deuteronomy 8
Where God Tells Us Explicitly That He Is The Source Of Our Wealth! A Million
Thanks To You For All Of This, Lord! Hallelujah!
“I was privileged to create a wildlife video of my own in Tsavo, Kenya. As you probably know, a great part of the greatness of Kenya lies in the deep-blessings of God, in what He created to live there. The people are beautiful (the ones that are not full of the devil & corruption, obviously!) And, the animal-kingdoms there have such amazing diversity, uniqueness & beauty. It’s beyond phenomenal, & we thank God for it all”
Honoring Dr. Mike Murdock at his 73rd birthday celebration at the Wisdom Center. Dr. Thomas Manton IV Speaking for Dr. Mike Murdock on the topic of “Servanthood”.
January 17, 2019 A Kingdom-Warriors’ Prayer, Prophecy & Proclamation For You!’
Our Dearest and Almighty Father God, in the Name above every other name, the Name of our matchless, marvelous and majestic Son of the Living God, our Lord and King and only possible Saviour of all mankind, the Name of Your only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ; let Your favour and glory and power now come upon us, Your elect! Lord, let Your mighty power come upon us in greater ways, dimensions and measures than any man or woman has ever seen in our current generation! Lord, release Your Holy Power upon all of Your good saints now, and cause us to rise up in Kenya now to combat evil! Lord, release Your power from Heaven upon us now here on the Earth. Let your revival-breakthroughs here now begin! Lord God, let Your revival, reformation, restoration, reconciliation and revolution now come forth into true and real manifestation here in Nairobi and throughout the entire nation of Kenya, right now, Lord! Let Your true spiritual reformation and revolution now come forth in this land, in Jesus Christ’s mighty Name!
I was in the Westgate Mall myself on Friday night, just before the Siege began on Saturday morning. I was there on Friday night. It is almost unthinkable that just some few hours later, on Saturday morning, these devils would storm the place, killing over 70 people, with several other lives still missing and unaccounted for! I was feeling so bad in spirit while there on Friday night. I felt absolutely terrible. In addition to several battles that I am already fighting here, I felt really bad being there! I think now that the way I felt was definitely some sort of premonition of this horrific-episode that was about to happen. Lord God Almighty, raise up Your Church now! Lord, raise up Your people now! Let us now get together; those of us who are of like-spirit (meaning full of the Holy Spirit, and not ‘something’ else!) The movements of God will now manifest here in Kenya, in greater and deeper ways than ever before! And I prophesy again here now by telling you that it’ already happening! Anything that’s been seen before in any positive-way was still yet small, compared to what’s now coming! Glory to God!
Let God’s true Church now arise and shine in Kenya! Amen! Let us all be filled with hunger and thirst for all of Your manifestations and ways and movements, Lord! I dare say again that too many people do not yet truly know God very-well, because they have been devoid of the necessary reference-points for that, which are His true Power and Presence, and deep-Revelation of His Word and His Mind and Heart!
This recent Westgate-Tragedy is actually a call-to-arms anda call-to-action for all of us in the Spirit! But do people even really see that clearly enough here? Sadly again, many still do not. Nevertheless, God will yet raise up His Own people now to fight this off, in the Spirit, in Jesus’ Name!
The Lord showed me that terrorists out there are gearing up to do other things. We must pray them down by fire, so they cannot have their evil-way! Nairobi and Mombasa people – please wake-up now and pray, in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name!
My God, in Jesus Christ’s mighty Name, for He is the only begotten son of God, who takes away the sins of the world. He is the only true mediator for mankind, and only He has the Name that is above every other name, in the entire universe!
There is salvation through no other name. There is only one Name, whereby people can be saved, and that is only through the Name of Jesus Christ! Salvation is neither possible nor available through any other religion! No matter what men in this world may say, there simply is no other way to Heaven except through Jesus! The Holy Scripture, from the Holy Bible, is very clear on that and everything else Almighty God tells us in His Holy Book! Hallelujah! And if someone has any problem issue over that, and they don’t want to believe, well then, they can just suffer the consequences of their unbelief! There is no salvation through any other religion or philosophy. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, period! No man can come to our Father, the Supreme Creator, except by Him! Anyone that attempts another other way is a thief and a liar, and they will just be refused entrance, and cast back down! That is clear to us from the Holy Bible! Amen!
Lord Jesus, You alone are the Great Shepherd, and the Door of the Sheep! And without your propitiation and cleansing and forgiveness through Your own shed Blood; there can be no salvation for anyone! And that is very concrete and clear!
We thank You now Lord, that Your true Church will rise up now! Let us all rise now, and get even more anointed through this occasion! We need to all catch the attitude and posture of being aggressive now! We need to all be revived and moving into the things of God and the movements of the Holy Spirit!
Lord, I pray for Your Church here now. And I say: “Separate now, those who are real, from those that are false! Lord, separate those who are truly serving You from those that are not! Lord, separate hypocrites and liars and cheaters, that are demonic, away from Your true saints who are righteous!” Amen! And now Lord, even in the midst of the supposed “Houses of God”, Lord, separate the wheat from the chaff; and Your true sheep from the wolves and the goats! Amen!Lord, separate the pure from the profane, and the true from the false, and the committed from the corrupt, and the consecrated from the compromised, in Jesus’ mighty Name! Amen!
Lord, I declare that in the coming days, whenever the wicked will stir and shake themselves up to fight, they will see that they have lost all of their strength and ability! The wicked will now become as nothing! But the righteous will arise and flourish! So be it!
Lord, whom you call, you choose, and whom You choose, You elect! Lord, cause Your true remnant to arise now! Lord, You know just who You will now raise up, and You know just who You will put down! You are the Boss! And You already know exactly whom You are now rejecting and also whom You will now raise up! And the differentiation between them all, will now happen, regardless of what any man would want to think or say about himself or herself! You choose whom You choose, and You elect whom You elect! And You will raise whom You want to raise up! And You also will put down who You want to put down! Your Holy Scripture tells us: “You set up some, and take down others.”
This is how it will be now. Subverters and wicked infidels from within the ‘Church’ that position themselves against any true Kingdom-Warriors will now be cut-off and crushed down! (Read Psalm 37 to see a great Biblical reference-point for this!) And this is how it will be now: “The clanging gongs and tinkling cymbals type-people that are merely-religious and self-serving; and those that are carrying on, without the Heart of God, will now be cast down and cast off, and they will never rise again! The wicked will only diminish now, because of their crookedness and sin, and they will now reap the consequences they now deserve because of their wicked and evil lives!” So be it!
Lord, initiate and activate Your own elect to come up and alive into greater-dimensions now, and to push forward now! Lord, raise Your own elect up now, to do great-exploits for You, in Jesus Christ’s mighty Name! Lord, raise even those who have suffered for You here, for Your own Name’s sake, like I personally have, so horrifically! Lord, bless and raise up even those like myself, who have stood the test of time and have been true and faithful to You! Lord, all throughout and across many years, You have continuously moved upon me and had me speak Your own Words forth (as I heard them directly from You) to millions and millions of people!
Lord, You have anointed me, and You have ordained me, and You have caused me to speak for You; and demonstrate such great and supernatural exploits to the nation and people of Kenya. And now, Lord, we are all seeing so many awesome things that we have spoken coming into fulfillment and fruition. A few examples being => the new-constitution, more breaking of corruption and corrupt-systems (though that is still in motion!), the road-developments, and now the oil and the water discoveries in the north, the coming-developments for new high-tech cities, and Kenya’s new 4th President, etc! It is all just more than magnificent and marvelous in our eyes! And to You belongs all the glory, and all the praise, for all of this, and for all You are doing, and are about to do! Hallelujah!
We thank You Lord! And increase it all even more amongst us all now! Lord, make us Your own Ambassadors for Your own Kingdom-advancing purposes! Lord, this is our Desire and our Prayer now! Use us mightily now Lord, in even greater-ways, and with even more mega-impact! Lord, raise us with Your great and mighty Power, and make us very successful in every endeavor we set our hearts and minds and hands to! Lord, give us now the most tremendous insights and cooperation from people! Lord, Your tremendous supernatural power and ability will now help us see, and dream, and think, and plan! And we will now set specific goals that will be achievable now, in reality, by Your mighty Power and brilliant Ability! And Lord, You will grant us all of the resources that we need and want, in great abundance, so we can fulfill Your Holy Will here on Earth! And Lord, You will give us the absolute best people to work with us and for us now! You will cause the people to cooperate and flow with us now! And Lord, We thank you for all of these, and for Your mighty Hand of Protection over us now, in Jesus Christ’s Marvelous, Matchless, Mighty and Majestic Name!Amen! So be it! And, Glory be to God Almighty!