Prophecy to Papua, New Guinea!
By Thomas Manton IV
Papua, New Guinea is one nation that I am targeting now, says the Lord! It’s a nation of violence, and of bloodshed, and many things that are ungodly. But the Lord says truly, that I am raising up a remnant of My people in the midst of that nation in this day and hour like never before! And surely you shall see the Name of the Lord in action! I hear the Lord, and I see the Lord telling me to say these things to you.
There is coming in your land a time when the Name of the Lord will be on billboards and all throughout the media. His Name will be in the newspapers, and in the magazines, and all throughout your society. His Name is going to be put up in tangible reality in front of all the people. This is going to be a ‘sovereign sign’ of His ‘visitation’ upon your nation!
You are going to see the Name of the Lord raised up as a strong tower in New Guinea! And you will see the Hand of the Lord come behind His Name in great power! For truly I am going to bring My favour and My grace and My breakthrough into your land in a new way, says the Lord. My Name is a strong tower. And this is exactly what I’ll be to you, O’ My precious people of New Guinea. Allow the Holy Spirit to move as He pleases.
Stand fast, therefore, and get your loins girded up with the truth, having your feet prepared with the readiness of the gospel of peace. Take up the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God. Put on My helmet of salvation and My breastplate of righteousness, says the Lord! And take up the shield of faith wherewith you will certainly quench all the fiery darts of the wicked! Gird yourself up as a ‘fully armed’ man! Let the Glory of the Lord be your rear guard and reward!
Truly says the Lord, I am going to cause My faith to sovereignly rise up within you. O’ people of New Guinea, rise up with My faith, My people. Rise up with My glory, and My power and My majesty, says the Lord!
Let Me reign in your nation! Be wise not to always fight the enemy publicly. Just speak the Truth. Speak My Name, and speak of My miracles!
Bring My light and My glorious Gospel to the people! You will begin to receive new breakthroughs now. And I will confirm My Word with signs following! The people in your land will truly see who I am, and begin to know what I am all about. Surely My favour and My grace will rest upon New Guinea now and in the days to come, like never before, says the Lord God Almighty!