*Thomas Manton IV* is respected worldwide as one of God’s most dynamic ‘Prophetic Voices’ to the Nations, and to the 21st Century Church. People across Five continents throughout North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia are experiencing God’s Word, Presence, and Power through his Miracle Crusades, Conferences and Television Ministry. God has used him to speak prophetically into the destiny of multiplied thousands of individuals and directly concerning many nations, world leaders and world events. His ministry has received hundreds of testimonies of spiritual breakthrough, healings and financial increase from many people who have been touched by this anointing all around the world!
Here is a test page I made
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Prophecy to Papua, New Guinea!
Papua, New Guinea is one nation that I am targeting now, says the Lord! It’s a nation of violence, and of bloodshed, and many things that are ungodly. But the Lord says truly, that I am raising up a remnant of My people in the midst of that nation in this day and hour like never before!
Prophecy to Louisiana!
Economic shifts are coming in the State of Louisiana, says the Lord! Changes in your economy are coming forth in the days ahead! For I am going to pour out My fire in the government arena in this State. From north to south,
Prophecy to Israel
New declarations from the antichrist forces are coming! Militant uprisings will take place from within! They will even question and challenge the ‘powers that be’ on many issues
Prophecy to Egypt, the Mediterranean Nations, Tunisia, and the ‘Church-at-Large
By Thomas Manton IV Prophecy ‘Live from London’...
Fulfilled Prophecies concerning World Leaders & World Events – Through Thomas Manton IV
The Holy Spirit has used Thomas Manton IV in a very unique and distinct way to prophesy about many startling world events involving many nations of the world!
Prophecy to Kenya – January 4th 2004 –
Father God, I hear You saying that You are going to cause a new outpouring and a new wind and a new shift and a new swing to take place in Kenya, even economically. There is going to be favour where You are going to show favour.
Where is Jesus?
‘Where is Jesus? *Let’s see…You arrive at the crusades and prayer meetings desiring breakthroughs…The Holy Spirit gloriously visits you!
Lord, You are First!
Lord, You are First, For You I do thirst!, In Your Spirit, dear Jesus, Let me stay immersed! I don’t ever want to be cursed…..
Copyright • Thomas Manton IV • Dominion International. All Rights Reserved. This Prophecy may be reprinted (In Its Entirety) with the Author’s Permission, and with full display of the Author’s Contact Information only. Please also send us an Original copy of the publication(s). You may also Print, Forward or Download this Prophecy for Distribution to Individuals and/or Organizations for their Spiritual Enrichment and Edification. Thank you! May God Richly Bless You!