about us
Dr. Thomas Manton IV.
Prophet Dr. Thomas Manton IV is respected worldwide as one of God’s most dynamic prophetic voices to the nations, and to the 21st Century Church.

Prophet Dr. Thomas Manton IV is respected worldwide as one of God’s most dynamic prophetic voices to the nations, and to the 21st Century Church.
Prophet Dr. Thomas Manton IV is respected worldwide as one of God’s most dynamic prophetic voices to the nations, and the 21st Century Church. People on all six continents of the world across North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia are experiencing God’s Word, Presence, and Power through his miracle crusades, conferences, television appearances on 10 major satellite networks; and his prophetic writings to more than 50 nations. His offices have received hundreds of testimonies of spiritual breakthroughs, creative miracles of healing, deliverance, financial increase, and amazing fulfillment of prophecies from church leaders, business leaders, political dignitaries, and individuals from all walks of life. He is the founder of Dominion International, investing time into developing ministry and business leaders into spiritual excellence; while traveling internationally. *The Glory of God will cover the Earth! & Jesus Christ is Lord of every nation!
The cutting-edge anointing and prophetic messages from the Throne of God that flow through him have lit torches of revival and reformation in many nations. God has spoken personal prophecies through him to more than 50,000 individuals, in-person, across 32 nations. God has also had him prophesy about many startling world events, including God’s 1997 prophecy through his foretelling of the New York City 9/11 tragedy in explicit detail. His prophetic declarations concerning nations, world leaders, and world events have raised a new standard in the Body of Christ. His prophetic teachings regarding the Reformation of the Church are fast becoming best-sellers. In his crusades and conferences, multitudes have witnessed the Holy Spirit making the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, and the dumb speak-healing even with incurable diseases like HIV, and performing many other creative miracles.